One of the top trainers in NYC

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Liquid Diets Can Suck It

Friend just asked me about a quick cleanse because he has a family function in about a month. Not a fan of crash dieting or cleanses but this is what I told him. If you decide to do any cleanse, let it be a fruit and vegetable cleanse. For one, your body is use to eating solid foods so its less of a shock. Second, very few people last when they use extreme methods such as juice cleansing for an extended amount of time. They contemplate suicide after the 3rd hr.
The whole point of a cleanse it to reset your body and flush all the bullshit out. Pretty much starting with a clean slate. Now as far as the cleanse, just eat fruits and veggies for a minimum of 4 days, 5 if you've really been a fat ass. If you make it past the 5th, max it out at 7. Now depending on your past eating habits, you may need to use the John a lot, especially if you pick foods that are high in fiber. Don't worry. This is what you want. Now if you find yourself starving, eat some watermelon or fruits with a high water content. It will will fill you up quick. Boom! There you have it, knuckle heads. I'm out!


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